Optional Online Strategies For CT Members Who Want To Maximize CT Benefit and Exposure For All of Us!
This guide is intended for use by doctors that have already taken “The ChiroTrust pledge™” and wish to capitalize on our new “Authority” website www.Chiro-Trust.org.
Launched on 2/1/2014 Chiro-Trust.org is using state of the art design and search optimization.
We have been working on this website for months now with our design team, content providers, SEO and unparalleled social media team.
The end product: search queries for those higher qualified consumers looking not just for back pain, back surgery, or alternative options but for information specifically on Chiropractic.
Once a consumer discovers Chiro-Trust.org, they will quickly discover ChiroTrust™ and what it’s members (we) stand for.
With your help, this will create the MASSSIVE WORLDWIDE fertile ground that attracts patients elegantly; without the conventional online marketing that they are already immune to.
The more CT doctors interact with Chiro-Trust.org, the more popular the site will become which will result in more searches for CT doctors.
- First and foremost, if you haven’t already, take the ChiroTrust (CT) Pledge.
- Display the CT materials in your office.
- Review with staff so everyone is clear on CT and “The Pledge.”
- Optimize your website to include CT in your keywords. For example “ChiroTrust doctor in Houston”, Chirotrust 94111, Chirotrust Tampa Bay.
- Modify your website/s and contact pages to indicate you are a ChiroTrust member doctor. Say “Member of ChiroTrust”. Use “ChiroTrust Badge” that can be found in The Vault under “Communication”. Geo-tag them like this: ChiroTrust Member Doctor San Francisco 94111. Make sure to put your zip code. (Any web person can do this for you and rest assured, we’ll do everything on our end for you.)
- If you have a Google+ , Facebook and/or LinkedIn account, consider sharing Chiro-Trust.org articles with your “Circles”, Friends, or Connections.
- ChiroTrust has a Facebook and Google+ page. You may interact with these pages as they will increase your odds of being found. Make insightful comments on the posts. All your activity leads right back to YOU and your office.
- ChiroTrust content is also a great source of content for your Twitter stream!
- Consider making YouTube videos of your clinic and treatment and don’t forget to use titles and descriptions like, “<Your Town> ChiroTrust Member Chiropractor”.
- Just know, it is very difficult for a single doctor’s office to benefit from online activities on their own. With our efforts and these simple strategies listed, together we will be leveraging the power and resources of ChiroTrust™ and Chiro-Trust.org.
We pride ourselves with the value we provide our ChiroTrust™ members at an affordable price but anything you can do described in this guide will also help promote you and your practice. If have any specific questions email them to info@chiro-trust.org