Dr. Michael Weir, D.C.
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Dr. Michael Weir, D.C.
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Dr. Michael Weir, D.C.
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“Hi, I am Dr. Cory Campbell, and have been a member of Dr. Altadonna’s program for a year and a half and a PBA member for a year. I was a member of another practice management group that was more of a build you up to do medium case fees and high volume practice with no advertising.
I am not a sales person and find myself treating patients 3-4 times and they are feeling much better. I never used to follow up with patients and would seldom see those patients again because I fell out of contact. PBA and my patient newsletter keep me in front of my patients every month and we see 4-5 reactivations every month because we keep in touch. I feel like in the 6 years in practice I am just starting to do right by my patients. We will have set a new collection record for the month of August as well."
Dr. Cory Campbell, D.C.
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Dr. Carol Grant, D.C.