As you know, one of the many services and benefits included in your ChiroTrust™ membership is email delivery of mainstream Chiropractic information including the 20 “New Patient Emails”, “The Daily Health Updates”, and your “In Good Hands” online magazine.
Each month our top notch writers, including Dan Murphy, D.C. and Steve Yeomans, D.C., create all of the content for you.
On behalf of our ChiroTrust members, literally millions of emails are sent out each month.
A question that occasionally comes up is…
“To be HIPAA Compliant, do I need ChiroTrust to sign my Business Associate Agreement?”.
The answer is “maybe.” It is possible that an email address could be regarded as containing protected health information (PHI.) Although it is extremely rare to receive email addresses that contain the first and last name of a patient (and even that might not rise to a definition of PHI) and although many of the emails received by our members are either friends, family members, or acquaintances, not patients, we would be happy to sign your Business Associate Agreement. Just fax it to (888) 202-2409.
If you don’t have a “Business Associate Agreement” to fax us, or to save time, simply click here and download the pre-signed Business Associate Agreement.
Providing ChiroTrust your email addresses and your email list (but not patient information or PHI) is crucial to your long term practice stability, scalability, and success.
It’s just one of many proven processes that ChiroTrust itself uses. Processes that have not only helped build ChiroTrust, but hundreds of Chiropractic offices all over the world.
So if you are not sending us your emails, do so right away. The instructions are in The Vault but if you need more help, feel free to call us at 1-800-795-5221.