Dr. J Max Waddell, D.C.
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“My name is Dr. Max Waddell, and I had been a practicing chiropractor for 19 years in Keller Texas. Over the years, I have used multiple practice building management companies including many highly respected ones for the chiropractic profession. What I love about being with Ben Altadonna’s, The Practice Building Alliance is the extremely easy implementation of his ideas into the chiropractic practice. Dr. Ben does 95% of the work for you and all you have to do is simply incorporate a few steps and like magic, the plane is up and flying. His Fertile Ground techniques include already done for you marketing ideas. These include the In Good Hands, The Modern Physician newsletter, the Weekly Health Update emails, Time to Think, weekly conference calls with experts on a particular subject and many more no listed here.
PBA even gives you a personalized web site and blog page they update for you. I can't believe he gives all this away for pennies on the dollar return. I love the fact that I can continue seeing patients while these marketing tools keep my name in front of the patients on a weekly basis. They are continual and effortlessly going on in the practice background requiring only a “pulse” check from time to time by the staff and doctor. The absolute great part is it makes the patient think I'm the one that did all these wonderful continual patient marketing connections. I get all the kudos.
My practice technique is upper cervical specific using Orthospinology (i.e. Grostic) analysis and procedures. We average 40 new patients a month via referral-based only. I do not sell treatment packages. I give the patient what they want while teaching them as they inquire.
In today's marketing world, you need easy to implement effective communications to your target market. That is exactly what PBA does for you. If you are not on board with PBA may be a good head examination would be the next step.”
Dr. J Max Waddell, D.C.