Dr. Shawn Kapper, D.C.
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“I have been a PBA member for about 16 months. I have been in practice for 14 years. I was an associate for almost 3 years and then opened my own practice in the neighboring town (which happens to be where I grew up). On my own, I opened a 100% cash practice and began educating my patients on the benefits of long term Chiropractic care. Within 3 years, I was seeing almost 700 patients a month.
Unfortunately, this was a very hard business model to keep up, so I added a "Wellness Coach" and a new "wellness system" to my practice. All new patients were put through a complete health assessment and lifestyle profile no matter what they came in for. I was basically shoving it down their throats. Slowly, my practice numbers began to slide and I was getting less and less referrals. After 6 years of no growth (actually declining 1-5% most years), I realized that this model was not going to fix itself and I needed a new business model.
I got a mailing from Dr. Ben about being in constant communication with your patients. What caught my eye the most was listening to what patients want and they will refer and even come back. I could still talk to them about other health issues and how Chiropractic could benefit them even without symptoms, but it was done at their pace through the weekly health tips and monthly newsletters. Not only that, but I would be in constant communication with medical doctors throughout my community. This sounded like a great way to communicate to past, current, and future patients and a way to be in touch with the medical community as well.
After reading the Fertile Ground manual and making changes both physically to the office but also mentally to myself and staff, we put things into action in January 2011. To say that the results were amazing would be an understatement. Our new patients were up 75% from 2010 and our total adjustments and collections were virtually equal to the the best year we have ever had. My overhead has been lowered, we are seeing more patients, and we are giving patients what they have always been looking for. We can do all of this and still stay philosophically sound to Chiropractic.
Thanks Dr. Ben for showing me how to run an efficient business model and have fun with Chiropractic again.”
Dr. Shawn Kapper D.C.