Dr. Leonardo Cannone, D.C.
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“I have been with PBA for a little over a year now. What a long strange trip it has been! I signed up for several reasons. My office was at an all time low in terms of patient visits (income). I was getting burned out with the practice.
I received a couple of Ben’s emails and they struck me as unique in terms of chiropractic management. His ideas resonated with my way of thinking… Ben’s stuff works! I must confess that I have only scratched the surface regarding the material that Ben has sent, at times it’s almost overwhelming, yet PBA is working for me. I think it’s the shift in consciousness that occurs.
I got rid of the fear based Chiro Posters (that I always disliked) and replaced them with artwork, dumped the 3x week for 2 week, etc., crap, and started thinking more in terms of what the patients want as opposed to my wants. I must tell you that shortly after signing up with Ben, he had a weekly call were he instructed us to wear Lab coats. When I heard that I though: ” oh no here we go, I think I made a big mistake”. I went round and round with Ben about why a three piece suit is better than a lab coat ( to Ben’s credit he was persistent).
Finally I decided to just do it and get it over with. WOW, I can’t tell you the difference that one thing made. It was actually the first change I made to my practice and it was impressive. I started getting more referrals, walk ins off the street and old patients , some that I hadn’t seen in over 2 years. UNBELIEVABLE! How do I explain it? I can’t, other than a shift in consciousness that the universe responds to? Perhaps a less esoteric explanation is that Ben’s stuff is really good common sense.
Trouble is, we are taught the opposite in school, and exploited by other management companies that realize that fact! If you are willing to get out of your own way and do what Ben tells you, I feel you can’t help but succeed. It’s elegantly that simple!”
Thank You Ben!
Dr. Leonardo Cannone, D.C.