A monthly newsletter for your practice.
Contributors include Steve Yeomans, DC, FACO, author of “Quantitative Functional Capacity Evaluations” and Michael Roizen, M.D., co-author of the “You!” books with Dr. Oz and frequent guest on Oprah.
Click here for instructions on how to get us your email list.
Click here for more ways to use the In Good Hands Letter.
Click below for the current and upcoming issues of the letter.
- July 2016
- August 2016
You’ll need to “unzip” the Zip file to open and modify its content. Not sure how to open a .zip file? Click Here.
Here is the “code” so you (or your “webperson”) can add an In Good Hands Newsletter badge to your practice website you had before joining ChiroTrust™.
This “badge,” when clicked, can direct visitors to your current issue of the newsletter.
Here’s how it will look…