If you haven’t already submitted your list of 20 MDs.
The Modern Physician Letter™ is written each month by Dr. Dan Murphyand mailed to 20 Medical Doctors in your community.
Each month, you’re also mailed a copy that you can put in a binder in your waiting room to show patients you help educate local Medical Doctors.
The Modern Physician Letter
Counter Display
As a way of creating more fertile ground and social proof, we have created a sign that you can place on your front desk counter.
To Download The Files: Click Here

This will let new patients know that you are a “mainstream” doctor who is active in your community.
We have also created the artwork for pads that can be made. Just email to a printer and ask him or her to print out one pad of 100 sheets (4.25” high by 5.5” wide) on normal paper stock glue bound with a cardboard backing.
You can find a plastic display at your local office supply store, or order one from:
Most of your patients will not fill out and that’s okay. The main purpose of this counter display is to build patient confidence in you and your office.
If a patient does fill out one of the sheets on the pad, if the M.D. is not taken by another ChiroTrust™ member, for an additional $15 per month, you can add that M.D. to your list.
If the M.D. is taken, don’t be discouraged, that just means that another member is already positively influencing your patient’s M.D. on the benefits of Chiropractic.